How You Can Get Our $29 E-book For Free!

We have written an informative e-book, Vacation For The Perfect Smile, on how to save up to 75% on your dental work, by having it done in Mexico. This is a very in-depth e-book which explains everything involved with dental work, dentists' training and education, and what to expect when you have your dental work done in Mexico. There is a section on life and standards of living in Mexico, and a section on what is involved in traveling to Mexico.
We highly recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter, and you will get our e-book for FREE! Then, pick up the phone, and dial 1-503-213-3779 (Please leave a voicemail and we will call you back) to book an appointment with us right away. We will take excellent care of you, and you will save a ton of money, and have a great vacation in Mexico!
We want to inform you properly, and we want to give you great service.

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