Travel to Mazatlan, Mexico

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Everything you need to know on getting to Mexico. Whether you are flying or driving. Just follow the links below for some great deals, tips, maps and directions.

(SIRIUS Satellite Radio works in Mazatlan! Click here to get yours SIRIUS Satellite Radio - The Best Radio On Radio )

Here is a large overview of where Mazatlan is in Mexico; you can see the U. S. border in relation to where our clinic is located.

Beach Getaways -  Expires 4/6/08 (155x155)Map of Mexico

Get real travel insurance!

It is very important that you get travel insurance if you are flying down to see us. Most travel insurance that is sold through a travel agent will NOT give you adequate coverage. The best way is to buy independent insurance. The best we have seen is through Insure My Trip. We recommend MH Ross or Travel Guard.

They offer trip cancellation, baggage, medical, dental, emergency evacuation, 24 hour traveler assistance, baggage delay, travel delay, and accidental death coverage. Some policies also have options for collision/damage coverage for rented cars, flight insurance (a form of accidental death coverage while flying only) and added emergency evacuation insurance. Some package policies include coverage for children at no extra charge.

The trip cancellation is important if you need to cancel your trip for any reason. It must be bought with 15 days of the first payment for you trip, and you need to let the insurance company know at least 48 hours prior to your cancellation.

If you are leaving tommorrow, and today decide to cancel your trip, then your claim will be denied. You need to let them know at least 48 hours before departure.

The trip cancellation or interuption part of these policies do not cover you when you are already on your trip, unless there is a death, accident, or sickness in the family.

If you need to extend your trip anytime when you are already in Mazatlan, then you will need to pay whatever fees apply to your airfare ticket, usually from $50 to $150 per person, and whatever extra your hotel will charge for the extra nights.

Airline companies have different policies regarding changes in travel dates, so you need to check this out in advance.

In some cases, when you book an air and hotel package on certain websites, then it is very difficult and expensive to change the travel dates. Please check this out in advance as well.

IMPORTANT! From the U.S. Department Of State website:

"The Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 requires that by January 1, 2008, travelers to and from the Caribbean, Bermuda, Panama, Mexico and Canada have a passport or other secure, accepted document to enter or re-enter the United States. In order to facilitate the implementation of this requirement, the Administration is proposing to complete it in phases following a proposed timeline, which will be published in the Federal Register in the near future.

In the proposed implementation plan, which is subject to a period of initial public comment, the Initiative will be rolled out in phases, providing as much advance notice as possible to the affected public to enable them to meet the terms of the new guidelines. The proposed timeline will be as follows:

December 31, 2006 - Requirement applied to all air and sea travel to or from Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.

December 31, 2007 - Requirement extended to all land border crossings as well as air and sea travel.

This is a change from prior travel requirements and will affect all United States citizens entering the United States from countries within the Western Hemisphere who do not currently possess valid passports. This new requirement will also affect certain foreign nationals who currently are not required to present a passport to travel to the United States. Most Canadian citizens, citizens of the British Overseas Territory of Bermuda, and to a lesser degree, Mexican citizens will be affected by the implementation of this requirement."

You can get an online passport application here.

Please check out the next link, to Casa De Leyendes, a bed and breakfast located 1/2 a block form the beach, and 3 blocks from our clinic. It has a warm, cozy feel to it, and is perfect for any of our patients to stay while getting their dental work done!


Casa De Leyendas Bed and Breakfast
The Loro De Oro Bed and Breakfast
Getting travel deals to Mexico
Driving to Mazatlan, Mexico
What you need to know about crime in Mexico
Here is a map of Mazatlan itself; it shows an overview of the city with some of the major streets outlined.

Retiring Overseas Information
This is a detailed view of Mazatlan and shows you where our office is located.

Map of Mazatlan - overview Street detail of Mazatlan and Mexican Dental Vacation offices.
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